
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

WEP - Changing Faces - What Now?

I wake up, look in the bathroom mirror, and a different face looks back at me.

Write, Edit, Publish at Denise Covey's site

Parts 1 and 2 are summarized, Part 3 is New

Take Me Away - Part 1, Beginnings

As I gaze at the Seine River from the Pont D'Iena, I don't regret what I have done. My past life is gone forever. My family, my work, all gone. I wish the river would take me away too, but I have a few things to do first.

In this, my new beginning, I burned the letters which would incriminate others. They were worth a fortune. But there is one more, an important one. The Paris letter is hidden in the lower levels of the Louvre, in one of the statues in Antiquity. 

I know which one. . .

(for full original post click on title)


Part 2 - Louvre Antiquities Letter: The April Fool

I looked at the charcoal grey envelope in my hand held close, as if I might lose it. This was my freedom letter, my payoff. The last thread of my old life. . . before they kidnapped my sister. The envelope had been exactly where I was told to find it, in a cleverly concealed narrow crevice in the back of the Sekhmet statue. Perhaps the Egyptians had passed missives that way too.

As I sit waiting in the private train compartment at the Gare St. Lazare, my thoughts are interrupted by the rumble of the engines, the ringing of the bells and blowing of the whistles, interwoven with the slightly oily smell and the hissing of the air brakes. I  close my eyes to shut out the noise and drift into a short nap, finding myself back in that dimly lit hallway of an older apartment building. . .

. . .I'm walking down the corridor. . .I hear small noises like talking, I'm almost there, get ready, release the safety, secure grip, push door, throw in a smoke device. It lands between them on the bed. This man killed my sister. They turn as one, I aim and fire, intent only on accuracy. Snick! Smoke is filling the room. No witnesses. Aim. Snick! Keep moving fast. . .  Focus. Remove silencer, empty chambers, get out of the building. Into the car and on the road.

I live in Paris now, maybe a long time, maybe not. Yesterday, I went to the old cafe in the Marais. I sat at a different table the first time after the surgery and they treated me as if I were a new customer. On the second visit to the Cafe Louis Phillippe, I sat at my old table, but none of the waiters working now had been here five years ago.

(full original post click on title above)

Paris - Cafe Louis Phillippe, by DG Hudson


Part 3 - Changing Faces: What Now?

I've been transformed, given a new lease on life, but the inside me is still the same. The voice is slightly smoky now, an effect achieved by fraying the vocal cords minutely. . .all part of the Changing Faces deluxe identity package.

Changing faces gives me freedom, protects my identity and may even give me cover. I've cut all the ties to my previous life, so I've closed any way of them tracing me. No forwarding addresses are sent out and I've moved a few times.

I can't communicate with anyone, relative or not. I need to blend into the centuries old buildings that survive in Paris. They said disappear. I plan to, including disappearing from them too. Never trust those who want you to disappear.

It will take a long time for the fear to recede. I will stare at those who look similar to the ones responsible. One day, I may get my revenge on all of them. Or not. I don't know how I'll feel about it once I feel settled.  But will I ever feel safe?

Paris - the Eiffel Tower, Seine River, Bridges and Lampposts by DG Hudson

My name is now Lise, although that isn't my birth name. I'm sitting at a table for two at the Resto Med, a cozy family owned café at 77 rue St Louis, Île Saint Louis, one of the islands in the Seine.

I saw an old and dear friend come in and my heart jumped, but he walked right past, even though he looked directly at me. He saw my face, and my eyes, which are colored by opaque contacts. There was no sign of recognition. He looked no different, just a slight graying at the temples, and now he wears a neatly trimmed mustache.  He was a lover at one time. After he was gone, my mood changed.  I was not 'me' anymore. That fact had just been slammed home.

In the mirror, I see a face with no flaws, a mannequin face. No one warned me about the psychological implications of morphing into a different shell. C'est la vie! It is done. I will try to wear this skin as if I was born with it. A sip of wine and a perfectly seasoned curried chicken on rice will help me to soothe my woes.

My new life begins today. From now on, I live for me.


Would you like to challenge yourself? Try Write...Edit...Publish! aka WEP

Join us for a monthly signup and some very interesting reading. It's flexible. I joined the once-a-month bloghop since I wanted to write a few short stories or write in installments like the old-time serials. I've also met fellow writer-bloggers with the same penchant for responding to Denise's challenges. WEP can help you practice short writing and the prompts will invigorate your creative thinking.

Write…Edit…Publish! welcomes you to submit any of the following – flash fiction, poetry, non-fiction or playscripts to a word count of 1,000 words – artwork and photographs accompanied by your written inspiration in creating your work/s.

Next Challenge: October - Ghost Story

Denise Covey - WEP in detail, the signup and list of remaining prompts

Would you like to get a new face? One that makes you look totally different, not just plumped and tightened? Mirrors don't lie, do they?

Please leave a comment to let me know you were here, and I'll respond. Thanks for dropping by and taking the time to read my entry.

References: Images on Yelp of the Resto Med. ( I didn't get a photo when we were there)


Monday, September 22, 2014

Alex's Underrated Treasures Blogfest - Dragon's Egg and Starquake

Brought to you by the Ninja Captain:

Alex J. Cavanaugh says:

'Everyone has a favorite movie or band that no one else has ever heard about. For whatever reason, they remain undiscovered and underrated. Post about your favorite unknown – one or all four – dealer’s choice!  MOVIE – BAND/ARTIST – TV SHOW – BOOK

Hop through the linky list and have fun!'


I chose a science fiction novel(s) by Robert L. Forward, Dragon's Egg and its companion story Starquake, an story about the fast life of Cheelas, creatures on a neutron star, and the humans who discover the intelligent life. Published in 1980 by Del Rey Books, Ballantine Books, N.Y. This is hard science fiction, and a bit different from contemporary fast paced space operas.

Dragon's Egg:

Intelligent life is found on a neutron star, a extremely dense entity which humans cannot land upon. The creatures live a hundred years in one hour of human time. A Cheela evolves from savagery to science in a span of days, with the help of astronauts orbiting high above Dragon's Egg. These humans become observers, then teachers, then friends.


A monstrous quake rocks Dragon's Egg, destroying many Cheelas. A few survivors fight for their lives. The humans, so high above the neutron star must decide whether to let this alien race risk extinction or try to help and perhaps die in the attempt.


Dr. Robert L. Forward, is a science fiction novelist, science-fact writer and consulting scientist. In 1987, Forward left Hughes Aircraft Company Research Labs, in order to become a writer and aerospace consultant. Between 1983 to the present, he contracted to work for the Department of Defense (US) and NASA on a project to discover breakthroughs in space power and propulsion. 

Dragon's Egg


The copy I have includes both stories: Dragon's Egg and Starquake. Published in 1980 by Del Rey Books , Ballantine Books, N.Y.


Just so all you dragon lovers know: There are no dragons in this novel, the constellation in question is shaped like a dragon, with the neutron star acting as the egg. To access the linky list, go to Alex's Blog.

 Have you read anything by Robert L. Forward?  Do you prefer something lighter than hard science fiction?

Please leave a comment to let me know you were here, and I'll respond. Thanks for dropping by and hope you enjoy the bloghop!


References: / Alex J. Cavanaugh ISWG, a writers support group


Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Stars Bleed at Midnight and A Bear with No Clue!

What's happened in the Human World, if 'The Stars Bleed at Midnight'? Read the follow-up to Death in the House of Life to find outRoland Yeomans has two new books out for your reading pleasure.

In 19th century Egypt. . .intrigue in the desert

“It is only through mystery and madness that the soul is revealed.” Samuel McCord
In Roland's words, we find the inspiration behind the story:

We forget that the true monsters are us.

Ever since LAWRENCE OF ARABIA, I have been fascinated by the mysterious desert and the cold-blooded machinations of pompous politicians.  KHARTOUM only intensified my fascination.

My childhood LEAGUE OF FIVE and I stayed up all Saturday night watching ancient black-and-white movies.  We yelled at Flash Gordon to ditch Dale and take up with the evil Princess Ardala.  We scratched our heads over Terry who never fell for the seductive Dragon Lady.

I swore if I ever wrote a book, I would have my hero marry the Dragon Lady. And so Sam McCord is married to the ancient, eternally young Meilori Shinseen to whom ancient Egyptians and Aztecs offered screaming sacrifices.

As a youngster, I was absorbed in Egyptian mythology and the scoffed at theories of Erich von Daniken in CHARIOTS OF THE GODS. I read and re-read AYESHA: SHE by H. Rider Haggard.  I made my Alan Quartermain a cursed Texas Ranger whose belief in the redemptive power of love keeps him married to a being once called Sekhmet.

Sekhmet, Egyptian Goddess

I thought of how human nature would remain in long-lived revenants (my vampires, like those of THE STRAIN, are quite different from the clichéd versions.)  They would be driven by all too human lusts of ambition, greed, and vengeance.

I pitted an undead Abigail Adams as the dubious champion of the American revenants against Empress Theodora ruler of Europe’s and Asia’s revenants.  I showed how their basic natures kept them at odds even when it was to their advantage to work together.

Samuel McCord said of this: “I wonder how much harm we do to ourselves and our world simply by getting out of bed in the morning and being ourselves?”

At the heart of this, I put a resurrected mummy child, the actual Princess Shert Nebti, whose body was filled with a pestilence that once released would drag the world into a new Dark Age as did the Black Death.

I mixed these elements against the backdrop of British arrogance, the Egyptian struggle for independence, the fanaticism of Muslim zealots, and the greed of the landed aristocracy.  The seeds of today’s headlines were sown in the Egypt of 1895.

I let all the heartache, misunderstood humanity, and mortal and immortal ambition be seen by the reader through the eyes of a thoughtful, haunted man of honor in a world where compassion is seen as weakness.

Always fascinated by Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde, Nikola Tesla, Ada Byron (daughter of Lord Byron), and Winston Churchill, I had them be my hero’s companions on a cursed expedition searching for Pharaoh Tutankhamun. (Or 'Pharaoh Two Tons of Almonds' as Mark Twain insists on calling him.)

In the desert wastes of Egypt lurk things older than Man that hum with mystery … and hunger. 

Join Samuel McCord, his deadly wife, and his bickering companions on this doomed expedition.  See what really causes dogs to howl in the darkness and cats to yowl after midnight.  Read THE STARS BLEED AT MIDNIGHT.  But should you hear long nails scratching at your back door … do not open it!


And now, for a detour to a different realm:

"D.G. has suggested I mention my first children's book, HIBBS, THE CUB WITH NO CLUE in MISCHIEF IS AFOOT. Hibbs endorsed that idea, too. Francene Lockett, the narrator for my soon-to-be-released audio book, BRING ME THE HEAD OF McCORD, suggested I write a children's book with Hibbs as the central character. 

 Francene said I fascinated her with the fun but wise tale of the young cub she read for the audio book. Hibbs, modest as always, thought that was a great idea as well. So I wrote HIBBS, THE CUB WITH NO CLUE -- a series of tales that mingles Lakota legends with Celtic mythology. Anything can happen in Hibbs' strange valley. He can fish for catfish ... and catch a dragon, or I should say the dragon catches Hibbs.

The Forrest Gump of mystical bear cubs, Hibbs, runs into leprechauns, Asgardian squirrels, insane unicorns, satyrs, and is mentored by the dreaded Turquoise Woman. I wrote the tales in the style of the Lakota storyteller: They do not begin with "Long Ago" or "Once Upon A Time." What happens in those tales is not measured in hours or by time. 
A place can be "a hundred sleeps away" or "a thousand paces away." They often begin with "Hibbs was in search of berries" as if the tale had just happened or was happening right then. And such is the stuff of magic, that well might be the case!

The tales are in no certain order so that a parent or grandparent can pick up the book and read any chapter to their child just before sleep without worrying about continuity. For those out there who just must have continuity, the last 3 tales are loosely linked so that they can be read ... say for a car trip or when a child is ill in bed.

Hibbs hopes you enjoy his short book. It is tiny but anyone who has shared her bed with a mosquito understands the power of small things!" 


Order or get more information on these two books at
Roland's Blog. Visiting his blog will reveal to you how many other titles he has available, many of which I've reviewed. I'm a fan of the writing and of the characters, especially Sam McCord. I'll be reviewing The Stars Bleed at Midnight as soon as I'm finished reading it. (DG)

Have you read any of Roland Yeoman's books? Do you have a favorite character? AND Do you know a child who might like to read about a curious little bear with no clue?

Please leave a comment to let me know you were here, and you will get a response from the author, Roland, or me. Thanks for dropping by!


References: Roland Yeomans' Blog The post on 'The League of Five', a young reading group.


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

PARIS - Unique Galleries at the Louvre

 In a building that started life as a palace, much of the grandeur remains, making it a perfect place to showcase art.

A Louvre Gallery with overhanging Balcony by DG Hudson

In the old days (1800s), artists crowded the Louvre galleries to study art. They brought their easels and were observed by the visitors along with the masterpieces they studied. This is a long tradition in art schools and art studios. Go and study the masters, students are told. Students can still be seen performing this ritual.

Watch for the Crowds

One reason not to see the Louvre Museum in a large tour group is shown below. You can't get close enough to appreciate the art or get photographs. These crowds of anywhere from 25-50 clog the space around the art. We waited until the throngs passed on, and fortunately, the Louvre isn't as crowded in late September. There are maps, so you can't get lost. Discovering the Louvre and its treasures can be an adventure.

Winged Victory, the Nike of Samothrace, Louvre Museum, Paris by DG Hudson

Esthetically Pleasing

Light, space and design define this example of one gallery with paintings of various sizes on the walls. The fantastic Raft of the Medusa is the large painting on the left side. The variety in canvas measurements varies from wall size to small size. Don't try to rush through, or you may get a case of art overload. . .

A long and lush Louvre gallery; Raft of the Medusa on the left, by DG Hudson


Gilt embellishment

In several of the galleries, the ceilings are decorated with gilt plasterwork and inlaid paintings so don't forget to look up.

Louvre Museum Gallery with Gilt Ceiling by DG Hudson


If you haven't been to the Louvre, do you ever hope to see it? (Art museums don't appeal to everyone.) Have you enjoyed this glimpse into the palace? (It's a welcoming place.)

Please leave a comment to let me know you were here, and I'll respond. Thanks for dropping by!



The Nike of Samothrace (winged Victory), marble, circa 190 BC - Details of the painting The Raft of the Medusa, based on a real life event The Louvre Palace history  - Louvre Museum
