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D. G. Hudson. . .

I'm a writer in the Canadian Pacific Northwest region, a rugged coastline which includes the city of Vancouver, British Columbia. It’s a picturesque place to write, near the ocean, in a city surrounded by mountains. It's the Rainforest, the temperate version.

Initials can be misleading, so here are the facts: I'm female, married and a parental unit. The basics. 

My writing genres:  Science Fiction, Suspense/Mystery, 
and Alternate History stories.
For a few years now, I've belonged to a national crime writing organization, the CWC.

Blogging is the one social media I use as a way to meet other writers and inform myself about the industry. I maintain two blogs to connect with other writers and readers, and to share my interests. I generally blog 3-6 times a month, with mid-month book reviews, book launches, or custom interviews. Photographs are featured when possible.

In April 2012, I participated in the A to Z Blogging Challenge, a 26 post marathon blog run and survived.  (see Paris, Etc tab, top of page both blogs)

In April 2014, I created another collection of posts for this year's A to Z Blog Challenge, 26 posts on ART-Artists, Art Trivia, Art Legends (see ART-AtoZ tab)

Again, in April 2015, French Faves, refer to tab at top of page.

And this year 2016, I've returned yet again with Author's, AtoZ (add link when page completed)


Book Reviews and launches are posted on the Rainforest Writing blog, most of the time. Mid-month, I'll review books from my library or from my TBR stack, including ebooks that come within my range.  Past book review links are located under the tab at the top of the page.

My review preferences science fiction, mystery/suspense, books on Paris, historical fiction, literary books and writing instructions, but I do make some exceptions.  


DG Hudson - RainForest Writing 

DG Hudson - 21st Century Journal

Photography is a passion I've had for a long time, and it merges well with writing. When I travel, I take photos with the intent of adding them to my blog file. I love black and white photography. To gain additional images, visiting museums, bookstores, and literary places in other cities. 

In Paris, I left behind N. Gaimon's book, Neverwhere, to enlighten the next person in the apartment we rented. At least, it may leave them wondering about the London Underground.

My education is in fine arts and business management systems. 

To contact me:

Enter a comment on one of my blogs. I'll be notified. Email is not currently an option.

Comments have to be approved, due to past experience.


Tags, Awards Policy No, sorry, but I don't do them. 

Last updated: May 17, 2016