

DG's Theme: Authors, A to Z

2016 - A to Z Blogging Challenge

Here you will find a list of authors who have made an impact on the writing world in one way or another. Some have influenced other writers, some have inspired movies, and there may be a surprise or two. 

The genres range from science fiction, to beat literature and from literary greats to authors who wrote to further their own cause. Hope you enjoy reading and learning a little more about these authors!

Click the Links below to read more!

A = Asimov, Isaac, Science Fiction

B = Brin, David, Science Fiction

C = Camus, Albert, Literary

D = Doctorow, E. L., Literary

E = Ernest Hemingway, Literary

F = Fitzgerald, F. Scott, Literary

G = Gabaldon, Diana, SciFi/Fantasy/Historical

H = Herbert, Frank, Science Fiction

I = Ibsen, Henrik, Literary

J = James Joyce, Literary

K = Kerouac, Jack, Beat Lit

L = Lewis Carroll, Literary

M = McCullough, David, Literary/Historical

N = Niven, Larry, Science Fiction

O = Ondaatje, Michael, Literary

P = Poe, Edgar Allan, Horror, Poetry

Q = Quatermain, Allan, Protagonist

R = Robb, Graham, Literary

S = Serling, Rod, Science Fiction

T = Tepper, Sheri S., Science Fiction

U = Umberto Eco, Historical Mystery

V = Verne, Jules, Fantasy/Scifi

W = Wilde, Oscar, Literary

X = X, Malcolm, Literary

Y = Yeomans, Roland, Fantasy/Scifi

Z = Zelda Fitzgerald, Literary


If you want to know more about the A to Z Blogging Challenge, click the title. It's in April every year, so the next one will be in 2017. I've done several themes which can be found under the tabs at the top of my blog: Art A to Z, Paris, A - Z, French Faves, and now Authors, A to Z. A theme isn't required, it's just the way I prefer to participate.
