
B00K Reviews 2013

Books and Reviews. New and Old, by DG Hudson

DG's Book Reviews 2013

Books reviewed on this blog come from my TBR stack or my personal library. Science Fiction and Mystery/Suspense are the usual fare, with a mix of books about Paris, some literary titles, writing instructions, and 'happenstance' books - found at the library, e-books offered as review copies, or discounts gleaned from the sale racks at the bookstore. I also include fantasy and some paranormal.

This year the reviews are in Most Recent to Oldest (descending order). Links go to my review posts.  Thanks for stopping by.

Note: Book Covers released in different countries may vary from those shown in this post.


ParisiansAn Adventure History of Paris, by Graham Robb

A City and Its People: these are some of the men and women who lived in Paris and helped shape its future. From Napoleon to Juliette Greco, read about their Paris.



Claude and Camille - A novel of Monet, by Stephanie Cowell

A story of hardship, and dedication to a dream; a man who seeks his art and finds a woman who inspires that art. This is a story about Claude Monet, the Impressionist artist.



The Beautiful and Damned, A Review, by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Young adults in the Jazz Age - the story of the east coast elite and their parties. Follows This Side of Paradise.



The Rum Diary - by Hunter S. Thompson

A novel about the early days of Puerto Rico's coming of age. This is early Thompson writing.



Homer and Langley by E. L. Doctorow - New York Stories

A story about the Collyer brothers.

The Bear with Two Shadows by Roland Yeomans

The Wisdom of Hibbs, the bear.



The Book, by Jessica Bell

A journal. . .and a child

The Last Tycoon by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Fitzgerald's last novel.



Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood

(What if?)

This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald

The college years (life in the Ivy League schools of yesteryear).



Tender is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Paris Times. Parts of the story reflect similarities with his own life.


This review list will be updated once or twice a month. See 2012 Book Reviews at the top of the blog if you want to browse more titles.

Last Update September. 2013. Thanks for visiting!
