
BOOK Reviews 2012

How-To Books on Writing

Rainforest Pickings / Book Reviews - 2012 and prior - oldest to newest

Books reviewed on this blog come from my TBR stack or my personal library.  Science Fiction and Mystery/Suspense are the usual fare, with a mix of books about Paris, occasional literary titles, writing instructions, and happenstance books - found at the library, an e-book offered free, or from the sale racks at the bookstore.  The list starts with the oldest.

Hope you enjoy reading the reviews.  The links below will take you to the original posts.  If you have any comments, please leave them on the book review posts.  Thanks for stopping by.


Rainforest Pickings #3
Science Fiction, Mystery, and ‘Odds-Bodkins

Winds of DUNE
Paul of DUNE
Sandworms of DUNE

Invasive Procedures (O.S.Card)
Robert's Rules of Writing


Rainforest Pickings #4
Science Fiction, Mystery, and Writing Instruction Titles, New and Old

Showing and Telling
The Shadow of the Wind
C is for Corpse
The Stand - (unabridged, S. King)


Rainforest pickings #5
Book Reviews - A mixed bag

The Paris Wife (Hadley Hemingway)

Writing up a Storm
Revision and Self-Editing
The Shape Shifter


Rainforest Pickings #6
Book Reviews

JACOB WONDERBAR and the Cosmic Space Kapow

The Fire in Fiction
Writing the Breakout Novel


Hemingway and Herbert - Under the Guest Microscope 
Guest Post Review

Nov. 2011 at The Alchemy of Writing Blog, this review compares two of my favorite authors in two different universes:
  • Islands in the Stream - Ernest Hemingway
  • DUNE: The Machine Crusade - Kevin Anderson / Brian Herbert (son of Frank)


Rainforest Book Reviews #7 
May 2012

Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade (D. Gabaldon)

Paris Was Ours (P. Rowlands)


Rainforest Book Reviews #8
SciFi Spotlight - June 15, 2012

CassaStar (Alex J. Cavanaugh)

CassaFire (Alex J. Cavanaugh - Bk 2)


Rainforest Book Reviews #9
SciFi Spotlight - June 27, 2012

The Backworlds (M. Pax)


Rainforest Book Review (#10) - August 15, 2012
Roland Yoemans and New Orleans

The Legend of Victor Standish

The End of Days

Book Review - September 2012

The Rival
Roland Yoemans and New Orleans


Book Review - October 2012 - 1

Arthur C. Clarke - Rendez-vous with RAMA

IMO, the best of the RAMA Series.


Book Review - October 2012 - 2

New Orleans Dark Fantasy - Roland Yoemans  - Ghost of a Chance


Short Story Review - October 2012 - 3

Milo James Fowler- A Coyote Cal Weird Western

El Diablo de Paseo Grande


A Wilde Book Review - December 2012

Oscar Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray

So much better than the movie.


That's it for 2012! 

I'll be posting book reviews in 2013, starting in mid-January. Hope you'll drop in to see what I'm reading.

Leave comments on the review posts.  I'll be notified.