

Paris from A to Z

All these topics are either of French origin or have some association with France. Hope you enjoy the reading! 
Categories: People, Food, Objects, Artists, Music, History 

2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge: 26 posts for the month of April. 

A = Arc de Triomphe

B = Bistros and Baguettes

C = Crêpes  (for recipe link** see bottom of this post)

D = D' Artagnan - the 4th Musketeer

WC -Creative commons Image

E = Entrancing Eiffel

F = Fountains of Paris

G = Grappelli, Stephane, Jazz Violinist (and his friend Django R.)

Grappelli and Reinhardt - French Jazz WC-CC

H = Haute Couture and Parisian Markets

I = Intelligentsia and Existentialism (J-P Sartre, A. Camus, and others)

J = Jazz, Americans in France (Josephine Baker, Louis Armstrong and Miles Davis)

Louis Armstrong's Trumpet - CC

= Kir, a French Creation

L = Lights of Paris

M = Musketeers of the Guard (including the 'Three Musketeers')

French Musketeers, Creative Commons Image

N = Notre Dame Cathedral, Our Lady of Paris

O = Opera Houses of Paris

P = Pere Lachaise Cemetery, and its notable residents

Q = Quarters, Latin and Bastille

R = Rue de Rivoli

S = Seurat, Georges-Pierre - Artist, Pointillism 

T = Tea and Tea Shops in Paris

Antique TeaCup by DG Hudson

U = Underground Paris and Urban Explorers (Cataphiles)

V = Viaduct, the Millau (highest bridge, high tech)

W = Wrought Iron, French Style

Eiffel Tower, Dusk, by DG Hudson

X = X - XVIII, Nine Louis' of France

Y = Yé-yé Music, a 1960s Music style

Z = Zénith de Paris, a Concert Venue


Bonus:** French Crêpes recipe

If you like this collection, let me know with a comment. For more Paris, check the other tabs at the top of the blog page: Paris Posts, and Paris, Etc.

Check the A to Z Blog Challenge website if you would like to participate next year!
Thanks for visiting and hope you enjoy the photos and the details. --DG Hudson
