
Thursday, February 16, 2012

I've Been Tagged - 11 Questions

I've been tagged by:

Misha Gericke

I'll answer Misha's questions, then I'll offer my own and I'll follow Misha's lead by selecting some of followers from my blog.  Great idea Misha!  (a getting to know you tag)


I answer 11 questions and make up 11 of my own.  I tag and link to 11 other bloggers.  You who are tagged are asked to do the same on your blog. 

My Answers to Misha:

1. Do you believe in fate?  
Yes, Fate brought me to Canada.

2. How the heck do you write and have a life?
I write whenever I can, in the morning (preferred) or on the road when I'm a passenger.  It keeps me from telling someone how to drive.

3. If you were in a written story, which character trope would you most likely have followed?
The fallen angel.  (I'd follow Wilde's advice about resisting everything except temptation. . . )

4. Sweet or Savory?
How about a bit of both?

5. What's your big dream?
See the Earth from space or from the Moon.

6. Fondest memory?
First meeting the man I'm married to now.  Felt like I had known him before or had been waiting for him.

7. What's your biggest wish? (world peace does not count)
Can I be greedy and have two?  I'd wish for my oldest daughter's health to improve from a chronic condition she has, and to be published, of course.

8. Would you rather have an exciting life and be alone or find the great love of your life and live a relatively normal one?
I did find the love of my life and I'm married to him.

9. Have you ever done something, only to realize a half a second later that you made a mistake?
You mean like closing the door to your car and seeing the keys still in the ignition. . .?

10. Did you try to go back and fix it, or did you follow through?
For the locked in keys, I called a car service, for big faux pas, it would depend on the mistake.

11. Do you edit while writing or after the draft is done?

I find it hard not to edit while writing, but even Dean Koontz admits editing as he goes.  I think it's the perfectionist tendencies some of us have.


1 - Spunk on a Stick (L. Diane Wolfe)

2 - The Writing Nut (Nutschell)

3 - Seeing Creative (Stina)

4 - Veronica and Thomas - Taking the Artistic World. . .

5 - Sherry E  - The Mama Diaries

6 - J. T. Lewis - Did I Stutter?

7 - The Ramblings of a Peacock  - Michelle

8 - Susan Says  - Susan

9 - Alexia Purdy Blog - Alexia

10 - Claudia Del Balso, Writer - Claudia

11 - Jen's Bookshelf - Jen


My 11 Questions For Those Tagged Are:
(updated Feb.17/12)

1 - How long have you blogged?

2 - Do you have a pet?

3 - Do you like film noir?

4 - Do you pick male or female protagonists the most when you write?

5 - Which female actor in LOTR would you want to be if offered a part in the movie?

6 - Which male actor in LOTR would you want to be if offered a part in the movie? (this is assuming Makeup and Costume can do miracles. . .)

7 - Where do you write? (which room, or place is most comfortable)
8 - What beverage is beside you while you're writing?
9 - Do you listen to Music while writing?
10 - What is your favorite city?
11 - Is there a phone in your writing place?
(In my study where I write, I have a landline.  Do you have any communication device that can disturb you nearby?)

That's it, I tried to make the questions short and sweet and the answers can be too.

Please pass the tag along.  Misha (at My First Book) sent me the details.  Hope you can participate.

Thanks Misha, for the opportunity to highlight a few followers' blogs.

Any comments?  Hope you'll get a chance to check some of the blogs above.