
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

DG's Note of Appreciation and What's New

Thanks! To all those fellow bloggers who visited, commented, and followed my blog during the A to Z Challenge.  I enjoyed meeting some very interesting people, but I'll save the detail for the Reflections evaluation of our experience. 

DG's Avatar
 What's New

I'll be posting my Reflections later this week and will add it to the list next Monday.  Hope you'll stop by to read my post and all the others which will be on the linky list on May 7th.  Details are on the A to Z Blog Challenge site.


In addition, on May 7th, there will be a Book launch to check out;  it's a science fiction author, so I'm pleased that I can help spread the word.

Mid-month, around May 15th, I'll be reviewing two books: one fantasy, one non-fiction:
  • Diane Gabaldon's  Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade
  • Penelope Rowland's  Paris was Ours

What I'm reading now:  Alex C. Cavanaugh's books:  CassaStar and CassaFire.  They'll be the next ones reviewed.  I'm loving all these new science fiction books.

In addition, I'm planning on reviewing a mystery book by an author familiar on our blogs.  This is tentative until I have a copy of it in my hands, but mystery is my other genre of choice, so I welcome the opportunity to read this one.

Now, I'm back to my regular posting schedule although, I'm probably going to be posting a bit more often. I may do book reviews mid-month, every month.  It's something I'm considering.

Hope you enjoyed the Paris Etc. tour, it will be available under a separate tab soon, as a list of links to each post. 

Are you taking a break?  Back to the novel?  Or on to something new?  Please share in the comments.  I'm back to revisions and working on a new novel in the outlining stage. 
