
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

PARIS - Odd Shots and Angles

A few of the Paris out-takes*. . .

Tour Montparnasse

Tour Montparnasse, the dark tower, Paris by DG Hudson

The Montparnasse Tower is a 210 meter (689 ft) tower, with 59 floors; the 56th floor has a restaurant and viewing. Two years after its completion, the construction of skyscrapers in the city centre of Paris was banned. The dark look comes from a lack of modern style windows, having been built before the 'every-office-has-a-window' trend.  Montparnasse Tower


Saint-Jacques Tower in the Marais. . .

Saint-Jacques Tower, Paris by Green Eye, Prop. DGH

Saint-Jacques Tower, the Tour Saint-Jacques, is in the 4th arrondisement of Paris, on the rue de Rivoli.  It stands 52 meters tall (171 ft) and is all that remains of the former 16th century Church of Saint-Jacques-de-la-Boucherie (Saint James of the butchery).

Recent findings date the stone and ornamentation from the late medieval era, and confirm that this was NOT added by 19th century restorers.  Saint-Jacques Tower


A residential inner courtyard in Paris

Taken in one of the buildings from the mid-1800s in the Marais area, this photo from the 4th floor shows an intriguing view of the charming habits of the residents - ceramics (on top of venting unit, right side), or the fresh flowers or herbs in two windowboxes.  Under the cover, are the garbage disposal containers where tenants deposit their trash once a week for pickup.  This area was very tidy and clean. 

Parisian Residential Courtyard, by DG Hudson

It's the little touches that tell you something about the person living within the residence.  Depending on what we see, we can guess that perhaps that person is a gourmand wanting fresh herbs of their own, or a romantic that loves flowers, or a ceramic artist drying a few samples of their wares.  This type of 'imagining' helps feed my writing.


How do you get those little details into your writing?  Do you use images, observation, or other things to stimulate the imagination? Can you imagine being stuck in that tower from medieval times?  Please share in the comments. 

Happy Valentines Day!
To all the romantics, lovers, and those who just like chocolate and candy.


*Out-takes, shown in Oxford Dictionary as outtakes, meaning film that was rejected in the editing stages (I'm using it for images in this instance).
