
Friday, March 1, 2013

Back From the Future Blogfest !

M. Pax has teamed up with the lovely Suze of Subliminal Coffee, and Nicki Elson, for the Back from the Future Blogfest.  

We don't get to ride in the Delorean, but we do get a surprise from the future. . .

You're up before dawn on a Saturday when the doorbell rings. You haven't brewed your coffee so you wonder if you imagined the sound. Plonking the half-filled carafe in the sink, you go to the front door and cautiously swing it open. No one there. As you cast your eyes to the ground, you see a parcel addressed to you ... from you.

You scoop it up and haul it inside, sensing something legitimate despite the extreme oddness of the situation. Carefully, you pry it open. Inside is a shoebox -- sent from ten years in the future -- and it's filled with items you have sent yourself.

What's in it?

Retro Box from the Future, circa 2023, by DG Hudson

In my shoebox mailed from Paris in 2023, these things were found :

- Short-flight boots
Gives the wearer the ability to fly like Superman just above the traffic.  A test prototype, gifted only to scifi writers.

- A camera
Press a button and the photo becomes simulated reality (similar to the paintings at Harry's wizard school, you know the one).

- Photo of the family residence in Paris
We live in France for half the year in 2023 on the proceeds from my best-selling scifi novels.

A sketch and plans for a PFV (that's personal flying vehicle)
Introduced by Honda/BMW Corp. in the year 2023.

- An issue of a Medical Journal
Featuring new visual apparatus to protect our eyes from sun damage. The eye protection is required while the holes in our damaged ozone layer are repaired with a protective shield.

Now, I have a few questions. Do I share these discoveries with the world? Will I get arrested for flying above the traffic?  How will they catch me? Hmmm.


Would you want to test a personal flying vehicle or short flight boots?  OR Would you be a little worried about opening a box from the future? Please share in the comments and thanks for taking the time to drop by my blog.

Hope you have fun checking out those shoeboxes via the list below!


Linky List has been removed; see host blogs for the original.
