
Friday, May 31, 2013

Immaterial Evidence - Milo James Fowler

If you like mysteries and illusive villains, look at Milo's latest. . .

Cover, Immaterial Evidence, Milo James Fowler

A detective with a price on his head. An invisible criminal with nothing to lose...

The vault door never opened. The bank went into lockdown in less than a minute. Yet the security footage was unmistakable: a hundred silver bars had simply vanished.

Ever since the city’s most dangerous crime boss put a price on his head, private investigator Charlie Madison has lived as an exile in Little Tokyo. But now an old friend and police sergeant has lured Madison back into the city to hunt down an invisible criminal—if he can.

As Madison makes his clandestine return, high-profile people start disappearing. And when federal agents swoop onto the scene to take matters into their own hands, they offer Madison a deal he can't refuse—as long as he agrees to work with them. With Japanese freedom fighters and refurbished killing machines threatening to take the world to the brink of nuclear holocaust, the United World government needs all the help it can get.

Embroiled in an unimaginable mystery, one private eye must rely on his wits to solve a case where the evidence is immaterial, and the odds are stacked high against him at every turn.

IMMATERIAL EVIDENCE - Check this link to Musa Publishing!
A Milo James Fowler Release

Milo James Fowler writes to intrigue and entertain. I've never been disappointed in one of his stories, and now he has a novella which offers a bigger bite of Milo's writing. Good Luck with this new venture, Milo!

Milo's Blog, In Media Res, be sure to visit!
Are you familiar with Milo's short stories? Do you like detective noir, especially in the Big City where many things can hide. . .?
Please share in the comments and don't forget to check the link. And lock your windows. Just in case. Thanks for dropping by!