
Friday, January 17, 2014

The COFFEE Hop by Michael Di Gesu

COFFEE? Did someone say Coffee?


One either likes it or not, with very few feeling complacent about a brew that's been around for a while. Its name conjures visions of a dark, lovely liquid, with an aroma which pulls us into the kitchen or coffee shop. I like espresso for special occasions. Lattes, cafe au lait, cappucino, and almost anything coffee flavored will hook me. Initially, it's the nose that's to blame. 

There was a time when I parted from my coffee drinking ways, but it didn't last long. We acquired a new coffeemaker. It called to me. I was weak. I ditched the herbal tea for coffee. Yes, darker and richer, with milk, sometimes cream. Coffee requires a bigger commitment as it's usually made by the pot. So I have to drink it. Can't waste it. . .remember, it's good to the last drop.

Coffee in ceramic mug, DG Hudson


Coffee, coffee - how do I love thee?
Let me list the ways. . .

I love your deep, dark color
I love your rich taste, 
Hawaiian or Colombian,
Nothing goes to waste.

Parisian coffee, you seduced me.
Espresso, you are dessert.
Cafe au Lait, you comfort me.
Capuccino, you heal the hurt.


What's it all about? 

Michael, intrepid traveler, is giving away a pound of authentic Colombian coffee to a lucky blog hop participant. 

All you have to do is post what you love most about coffee. Let's have a good time and LAUGH over a steaming cup! The most hysterical entry will win a pound of authentic Colombian coffee. You can sign up on the linky list at Michael's Blog, IN TIME.  

Depending on the outcome, he may even give an extra pound away. Per Michael: "I must apologize to my overseas friends, but postage would kill me." C'est la vie.


Are you a coffee drinker? If not, what do you prefer? Do you know Michael? Are you looking for a good cup of coffee? 

Please leave a comment so I know you were here, and then back to Michael's Blog for the list of the other participants. Thanks for stopping by. I'm going to get a coffee. . . Michael's blog, In Time
