
Monday, April 14, 2014

L = Lichtenstein, Roy - A to Z Blog Challenge 2014

ART: Artists, Art Trivia, Art Legends 

A glimpse of the ART world, in the manner of an alphabetical mini-art tour. ART focuses on artists and art movements between the 1850's-1960's. There are exceptions.

2014 A-Z April Blog Challenge

L = Lichtenstein, Roy Fox
1923 – 1997
POP Artist

Industrial Modern Art

Roy Lichtenstein, American artist, born in Manhattan, NY City, into a middle class family. He was avid jazz fan, attending concerts at the Apollo Theater in Harlem as soon as he was old enough. After high school, he left New York to study at Ohio State University in the fine arts department.

Lichtenstein became one of the leading artists of the POP movement, along with Andy Warhol and Jasper Johns. His work used parody to define pop art, influenced by popular mainstream advertising and the comic book style. Roy called this 'industrial painting'. His two most famous works are Whaam! and Drowning Girl. See links at bottom of post.

Roy served his military service in WWII between 1943 -1946. In 1957, Lichtenstein moved back to NY to be closer to the NY art scene and began teaching again. At this time, he adopted the Abstract Expressionism style, and began to incorporate hidden images of cartoon characters, such as Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny into his abstract works.

In the early 1960's, Lichtenstein reproduced his versions of masterpieces by Cezanne, Mondrian, and Picasso, and included Vincent van Gogh's Bedroom in Arles. His popularity fluctuated, rising and falling with the whims of the public. Roy died in 1997, at 73. His long-time patron had been Gunter Sachs, husband of Bridgette Bardot.

Definition of POP art: a style which emerged in the mid-1950s in Britain and in the US. It presented a challenge to the traditions of Fine Art by including pop culture symbols. POP art is often used as a symbol of the 1960's and modern art.

LINK to the Image sample and references: . . .due to artists or estate copyrights still in effect  Image - WHAAM!  by Lichtenstein Image- Drowning Girl
by Lichtenstein


Do you know the type of art Lichtenstein is famous for? (see the links following)
Do you like POP art?

Please let me know you were here in the comments, and thanks for stopping by! I'll respond.


Brought to you by the A to Z Blog Challenge 2014 Team and the originator: Lee of Tossing it Out. Click the A to Z list of participants and read on. Hope to see you again throughout the blogfest.


References: Roy Lichtenstein Wiki POP Art wiki
