
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Z = Zénith de Paris, French Faves - A to Z Challenge

 Zenith * - the highest or culminating point 
 Oxford Dictionary

Le Zenith, Parisian Venue - Creative Commons*

Z = Zénith de Paris

Zénith de Paris is an indoor multi-purpose arena in Paris, France. It is located in the Parc de la Villette on the edge of the Canal de l'Ourcq. It seats up to 6293 people which makes it one of the largest venues in Paris. 

Le Zénith was built in 1983 to replace the Hippodrome de Pantin, a circus big-top which had become the main venue for touring rock bands visiting Paris. Designed by architects Philippe Chaix and Jean-Paul Morel, Le Zénith was built on the same location as the old circus tent.

As with the Eiffel Tower, this hall was intended to be used for a fixed term of three years after which it was to be dismantled and replaced by a new hall nearby.  However, instead its success gave birth to a chain of new halls throughout France. 

Well, if something works well, why not keep it? That kind of thinking helped save the Eiffel Tower from being dismantled after the initial exhibition / World's Fair.


Have you ever heard the name Le Zénith in regard to concert venues in France? Is Zenith (in English) a word you have used very much? 

Please leave a comment to let me know you stopped by, and if you are part of the A to Z Challenge. I'll be sure to check your blog, and reciprocate. If you're not in the challenge, thanks for stopping by to visit! I try to reply to all comments.


The A to Z Blog Challenge is brainchild of Lee, at Tossing It Out.  Please visit the A to Z blog site to find out more information and the participant list.  There are also Twitter and Facebook presences if you want to check those!



Definition: The point on the celestial sphere that is directly above the observer.

Wiki on Le Zénith

Le Zenith de Paris
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