
Saturday, January 5, 2019

Silhouettes - A Short Story Collection Review

A collection of short horror stories by Roland Yeomens that will make you look over your shoulder, and avoid the darkness. 

Cover for Silhouettes Stories, Roland Yeomans

Silhouettes in the Key of Scream

The theme is revenge, and the different ways it can manifest itself in the minds of those who now reside on the 'other' side. Be warned that you should never underestimate the strength or the depth of revenge. . . Following is a list of the short stories in this collection and a snippet about them.

The Dead Have No Say

A tale set in Hollywood, and served with the movie industry's flair for style and drama. An undead actress has a score to settle with her past coworkers. She sets the stage to
unveil her plan. 

The Town That Hated God

A seraphim, Darael, is sent by the Vatican to settle a problem in a town lost to evil. He confronts the dangers in his own way. Although Darael's history is known, his powers are not. 

Dead Not Yet

When a ghost from your past comes back to visit - do you welcome them or run the other way? Running might be the wise choice, especially if the ghost is a sultry red-haired female.

Murder As A Kindness

Sometimes a 'past' interrupted comes around again, like a second-hand second chance. You may get what you want, but not the 'way' you would have chosen. . .

A Shore Never Reached

This tale goes to the past in memory of loved ones, those who were taken from their son. A harsh decision must be made so fewer will suffer.


Do you ever think of revenge or do you just let it go and try to learn from it ? Do you like collections of stories?

Please leave a comment so I know you were here, and I'll respond. If you like Roland's novels, you might want to read this collection. 



Roland Yeomans was born in Detroit, Michigan. But his last memories of that city are hub-caps and kneecaps since, at the age of seven, he followed the free food when his parents moved to Lafayette, Louisiana. The hitch-hiking after their speeding car from state to state was a real adventure. Once in Louisiana, Roland learned strange new ways of pronouncing David and Richard when they were last names. And it was not a pleasant sight when he pronounced Comeaux for the first time.

He has a Bachelor’s degree in English Education and a Master’s degree in Psychology.  He has been a teacher, counsellor, book store owner, and even a pirate since he once worked at a tax preparation firm.

So far he has written thirty-four books.  You can find Roland at his web page:  or at his private table in Meilori’s.  The web page is safer to visit.  But if you insist on visiting Meilori’s, bring a friend who runs slower than you. 


Images in this post property of Roland Yeomans. Photo of Roland's cat, Midnight, courtesy of the cat.
Midnight. A helpful friend of the author.

Note: I was going to post this review in part on Amazon Reviews, after I purchased and read it, but the controller, Amazon, blocked me from doing that as I had not spent a specific amount on books ordered from them in the previous 12 months. This is not customer friendly, IMO.
