Writing Resolutions:
Establish a writing time, and keep to that schedule as much as possible.
Decide on a word count, number of pages, or chapters that will be the writing project for that day.
Work in a dedicated writing area in your home if possible, or an off-premise location (coffee shop, library, at the park, etc.) Try to eliminate or minimize distractions, or use the time for observation (a good way to obtain material for characterization).
Organize writing area and files of Works in Progress.
Set goals for the projects you want to pursue. Short term goals (e.g., writing two chapters) are a way of ‘chunking’ a larger goal (completing the novel in progress). This makes the task less imposing.
Always take portable writing materials with you for recording ideas when you’re running errands or waiting for appointments.
Use a calendar to record your progress, your submissions, and deadlines (when applicable). Use the submissions trackers available online or do this manually.
Keep blog updated on a regular basis as a form of discipline. Frequency is discretionary. Keep it professional in tone, if the purpose is to further your writing career.
Select a few favourite blogs, or websites that offer value for the time invested, and be very selective in forums, and other discussion areas.
Research literary agents or publications well before submitting work, and only send when the work is ready.